New Beginnings!

It has been a while since I have written something here! Everything was moving at an accelerated pace, in the last few months, and it has been crazy. The journey led me to a place of healing and rediscovery. It taught me to be thankful and find a deeper meaning in my life. Now, I am so excited for what life has in store for me.

In February 2022, I decided that I wanted to be in Sydney. I started talking to my family and friends as it was going to happen without a game plan. I told them that I planned to be in Sydney at the end of Dec 2022.

It has always been a dream of mine to be in Sydney. I guess it was because it is a place of significance to me. After my divorce in 2012, this was the first place I ventured out on my own. I felt that it was here, I started rediscovering myself and my identity.

I was excited to move to Sydney in Oct last year. Looking back at how far i have come since that last ten years, I feel like I have grown and changed in many ways. All the stretching made me liberated and has given me a new lease of life.

One of my favourite verses that I hold to is from Proverbs "Where there is no vision, the people perish." If you come think about, without a vision, you don't grow as a person, you are just existing. Everything that you do becomes mundane. You lack the passion and it feels like there is no purpose. When I caught hold of this in my heart, I decided to take control of my life.

I started with my weight loss journey first. It had been a struggle for me for the past ten years to keep the excess weight off due to depression. As I discovered my spiritual journey and my new identity, it helped me in my weight loss transformation. I feel like a different person now. It was just one of the hurdles that I had to get through.

When you find yourself, you feel empowered. You feel like you are on top of this world and everything is just at your fingertips. You can dream as big as you want and do anything is possible. With my new found strength, I was able to break off another one of my fear.

For the longest time, due to my emotional abuse, I was always afraid of sleeping in the dark. I was staying with family in Singapore, so it did not matter much to me. When I moved out, to be honest, I freaked out about being myself. I had to keep the lights on all the time when I was sleeping.

But late last year, I felt I was ready to be able to overcome that fear. It was scary at first, getting used to the darkness while being on my own. But I soon grew accustomed to it. I have not arrived yet! Everyday brings a new challenge. But that means, I am breaking off old habits and moving forward to be a better version of myself.

With that in mind, I am excited for what lies ahead for my platform which includes writing, and my You Tube Channel "The Living Room". I do look forward to more collaborations this year.

Grace Ascent Collective

I am a new author, speaker and, host of "The Living Room" on Youtube. My two books, A Divine Connection and A Scandal of Grace, are based on Bible stories. 

A visionary by nature, I love coming up with new and innovative ideas for people to collaborate. Empowering women leaders is my passion. It is all about nurturing other women and helping them to achieve their full potential.


Rising from the ashes


Celebrating women everywhere!