What defines beauty in women? Who has the right to ascertain if someone is beautiful or not? In today's society, many women have had low self-esteem issues because they deem themselves as not being pretty. Whether I am reading a magazine, or watching an advertisement on TV, they are plastered with images of perfect women. An idea dawned on me as I was watching a Korean drama on Netflix. The lead actress who was portraying the role of a secretary looked like a porcelain doll. How many real-life secretaries look like that in the natural world? On the other end of the spectrum, if you had watched shows like she was pretty, the lead actresses are featured as quirky, with maybe few extra pounds or very average looking. There are many women are average looking in the world. Not all of us are blessed with perfect genes. I strongly believe that every woman should be celebrated regardless of how they look. Even a so-called plain-looking woman will have at least one attractive and appealing feature. For example, it could be a smile, beautiful eyes, high cheekbones or jaw structure. Just because they do not look in a certain way, does not mean they are any less attractive. I love watching this Korean drama My Lovely Sam Soon. The show depicts an average looking woman that we all can identify with. She looks comfortable in her skin and is not fazed by her competitors. She was even willing to go toe in toe with her nemesis who looked so much prettier.
What is the difference between a fictional character like her and any regular woman? It is a lack of confidence. If you look deeper, confidence can be a result of having low self-worth. That is why many women always aim to look like someone else instead of embracing themselves. People pay to have plastic surgery. Don't get me wrong. I think it is perfectly fine for people to have plastic surgery if they have deformities. But most of the time, people who are going for surgery are looking to enhance themselves. They want to look prettier because deep inside, they feel unattractive. Or they want to try to fit in. But how long will that last? One can never learn to be happy unless they embrace themselves. They will be forever trying to strive for the next best thing. In my next article, I will talk more about self-worth and how you can build your confidence. For now, to all the beautiful ladies reading this, I hope you raise your head high, pull back your shoulders and walk as you are the most beautiful person in the room.