Choose Not To Respond

I had a misunderstanding with a friend a few days ago. During this COVID situation, you see a lot of dormant negative emotions arise. The dispute was done via texts, which also included a lot of name-callings. My first reaction was to be upset and get distracted. Then I decided to take action. I apologized to the offended party and offered to have a call with her to clarify things. This was not done in a sorry attempt to mend fences but basically to have a clean break.

The first red flag was when the person refused to have a call with me to talk it out. It shows the person having trust issues and not wanting to have a confrontation. I mulled over the name callings. I thought to myself if any of the allegations were true. It was not. It was a moment of truth. How do I respond? I chose to ignore the messages completely. By engaging in further conversations with this person, I am simply affirming the name-calling. What people tend to do under these circumstances is to carry on the conversation. Ultimately, it ends up giving the other party the upper hand and justifying all their accusations.

Grace Ascent Collective

I am a new author, speaker and, host of "The Living Room" on Youtube. My two books, A Divine Connection and A Scandal of Grace, are based on Bible stories. 

A visionary by nature, I love coming up with new and innovative ideas for people to collaborate. Empowering women leaders is my passion. It is all about nurturing other women and helping them to achieve their full potential.




Letting Go