Setting Boundaries

It takes grit to say "No" in the workplace. Oftentimes, we are used to being the Yes person to please our management. Protocol dictates that that if we do not conform to these standards, we will be missing out on promotion opportunities, favor with our bosses, or be not seen as a team player. We need to come to a place of realization that we cannot please everyone. And it's not about them, but it is about what you want. Fear is what keeps us subservient to others. Don't feel bad about saying "No" to your managers. There are times when I get roped in to do something that falls out of my scope and it clashes with my existing work. In those instances, turning down more work is the most responsible thing to do. Communicate effectively what you feel as you establish clear boundaries. People are not mindreaders if you cannot give them the context they will not be able to understand why you turn them down. But they will respect you when you explain the rationale behind it and you don't have to feel guilty about it.

Grace Ascent Collective

I am a new author, speaker and, host of "The Living Room" on Youtube. My two books, A Divine Connection and A Scandal of Grace, are based on Bible stories. 

A visionary by nature, I love coming up with new and innovative ideas for people to collaborate. Empowering women leaders is my passion. It is all about nurturing other women and helping them to achieve their full potential.


Letting Go


Saying No To Bullying