Why women make great leaders?

I had the opportunity of speaking to two guests last week on the subject of women leadership. There are many powerful and competent leaders that we have heard about through the media. These women leaders rule the entertainment, business and government industries. But in this article, I will like to address women everywhere, who are still effective leaders and communicators without a functional title. I believe that a woman does not need to have title to be a leader. Even if you are a housewife, you are still a leader in your own home. I want to empower women to know that they are equally competent and influential as their successful counterparts in the corporate sector.

What are some physical traits that women can tap into to become a successful leader? As women, we wear different hats both at home and in the workplace, but we undermine our abilities when we become familiar with the tasks we perform daily. When a woman becomes aware of their strengths and embrace it, they will be able to achieve their full potential. When women become mothers, they show great strength and resilience when they are taking care of their children. One of my guests who will be featured on my channel @Anupama, reminded me of this interesting fact. I felt amazed by it. Looking back, I have been surrounded by friends and family members who are mothers, but I have never identified the leadership quality in them.

No one undergoes special training to become a mother, it is something that is bestowed upon them by nature. As a mother, they learn by trial and error. Especially so when a mother goes through labour pain, nothing can mentally prepare them for that arduous journey. I have met women who are afraid of pain but they develop an inner strength when they go through childbearing. Soon after, you see the protective instinct is brought out in the mother, when she meets her new born child. She will fight anyone who tries to harm her child and care less about herself. Her nurturing skills get heightened when she has a child. All these skills are found in every women, but they are further developed when they embrace motherhood. It has always been there, and most women just need to tap into it.

Can you imagine being under a women leader like that? Someone who fights for you, nurtures you and protects you when you are weak. When you are placed under a leadership like this, you will be able to excel in whatever you do. You also learn to find your inner strength and build your self-esteem. When women embrace this quality in them, there will be more leaders who will be competent, and confident and lesser insecure women out there.

Besides the traits listed above, what are some other traits that women leaders possess?

1) Empathy Women have more empathy as compared to their male counterparts. Due to this, we take a more proactive approach with our employees. Because we value relationships, we take an interest in what motivates people and acknowledge their performance.

2) Great listeners Women are also great listeners, because we always want more context and not just basics. As leaders, we take time to listen to people speaking than reacting immediately. We value people input and consider it, which is why we are more liberal in giving second chances.

3) Nurturing We make great nurturers and help our team to develop their skills and strengths. We want to help people succeed by empowering them to embrace their skills. We demonstrate passion and an immense capacity to serve and be served by others.

4) Multitasking We are naturally good at multitasking. Because we wear different hats, we are required to be decisive and respond quickly to simultaneous and difficult tasks. We learn to juggle careers, households, and even aging parents among other things.

5)Handle Crisis well For women who are mothers, we become trained caretakers and are well aware of how to deal with crises with compassion and patience. We tend to adjust fast and focus on the tasks at hands.

6) Problem Solver We become creative when we are faced by obstacles. There is this desire to overcome the challenge which fuels to us to get things accomplished at all costs. We never take "no" for an answer because we believe that there is a solution to every problem.

Grace Ascent Collective

I am a new author, speaker and, host of "The Living Room" on Youtube. My two books, A Divine Connection and A Scandal of Grace, are based on Bible stories. 

A visionary by nature, I love coming up with new and innovative ideas for people to collaborate. Empowering women leaders is my passion. It is all about nurturing other women and helping them to achieve their full potential.


Working from a place of restfulness


What do you do when a door closes?