To all the beautiful mothers!

Just wanted to give a shout out to all the mothers out there, this coming Mother's Day! I believe the current situation has changed how we view all our relationships. For some of us who stay away from family, the only way we can be connected is via a video call. This experience has taught me not to take my loved ones for granted. As many of us are being tied down with busy schedules, Mother's Day is the only day we take the time to celebrate our mothers. We arrange to bring them out for meals or lavish them with expensive gifts to make up for the lost time. Since it is not feasible to do that this year, I decided to do something different to celebrate my mom. I wanted to express in words how much she means to me in writing. Besides giving her the honour she deserves, I also want to thank her for all the time she has spent taking care of me and my sister. Taking care of me also means putting aside her interests and dreams.

When my sister was born, my mum spent her time as a homemaker taking care of us. I remember her sharing an incident with me and my sister on how as a two-year-old toddler, I had swallowed a small stud. She relates it in a calm manner but looking back now, I can imagine how worried she might have been. Though I did have my fair share of arguments with her as a teenager, I do believe she always wanted the best for me. She never shows it much but I am so thankful for all the sacrifices she has made for me. My sister and I inherited my mum's resilience to face challenges, her boldness to stand up to people, and to be different in a traditional world.

Just like my mom, I know there are many mothers out there who have done so much for their family. They have to bear the agony of childbirth to bring us into this world, and in that process, some of them find it hard to lose the excess weight gained. They get mentally exhausted having sleepless nights while caring for the little ones at night. Some of these mothers have to juggle their careers as well as their family. They work hard to support their family financially and also have to take care of the home. Being away at work leaves them less time to spend with their children. On their rest day, instead of taking a break, they spend the day out with their children.

There is so much respect for mothers with complete families but we feel to do the same to single mothers. We look down on them and we make snide comments behind their backs. But they are the ones that deserve our support the most. They deserve due respect and honour as it takes a lot of courage for them to stick with their decision and not choose the easy way out. Often times, they get emotionally, financially, and physically drained taking care of children single-handedly. In addition to that, they also have to face the social stigma which is not easy to shake off. Wherever they go, people will never fail to remind them that they did a mistake.

I decided to pay tribute to all mothers, especially single mothers on my Living Room Mother's Day Special which will be aired on the 10 May. Let's not wait until an occasion arises to celebrate our mothers but celebrate them every day. Happy Mother’s Day! I love you Mommy!!

Grace Ascent Collective

I am a new author, speaker and, host of "The Living Room" on Youtube. My two books, A Divine Connection and A Scandal of Grace, are based on Bible stories. 

A visionary by nature, I love coming up with new and innovative ideas for people to collaborate. Empowering women leaders is my passion. It is all about nurturing other women and helping them to achieve their full potential.


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