Run At Your Own Pace

Social media has changed the way we view success. We define whatever we do by equating it to the number of likes we get. I do believe that it is important to gain several followers to have more visibility with whatever you are doing. But that is also the fastest way to kill passion. When I first started my YouTube channel, many thoughts were racing through my mind. One of which is how do I market it to get more subscribers and gain traction. When I searched the net, there were so many results it was overwhelming. There were so many strategies and tips online that it gave me a migraine just from reading all the information. Then it dawned on me, that although these tips are insightful, it changes the course of what I want to do. By incorporating these ideas, I am doing it out of obligation to please my audience. Even if I don't agree with the general view of my audience, I have to tweak my message to be palatable.

This is what I have always been against. By compromising, I am conforming to what is deemed as acceptable. As a result, I become what others want me to be. I strongly believe there will be respect for people who have their own strong beliefs and stands by it. There is no doubt I will ruffle some feathers along the way but it is a small price to pay in my pursuit to feel happy. I have been passionate about women's empowerment for a long time. That is the reason why I decided to be more active and started to write a blog and create videos. I find that when I do not allow other people's opinions to dictate me, it frees me to do my work as I please. I am now writing for the audience of one, that keeps me focused. My message is clear and concise. This fails in comparison when I have to strive to keep up with the trends. Instead, I can choose to do what I enjoy from a place of rest.

It is the same as being on a running track. You know where you are starting and the destination of your finishing post. You might not see the end, but you can be assured you will reach it if you stay on the path. If your end goal is to beat your competition, you will end up exerting yourself. But if your eyes are on the prize, you will be running at your own pace and gaining momentum at each step of the way. And you will soon reach your journey, at your own pace. You will be more satisfied running the race set before you in this manner, then running ragged to satisfy the people around you.

Grace Ascent Collective

I am a new author, speaker and, host of "The Living Room" on Youtube. My two books, A Divine Connection and A Scandal of Grace, are based on Bible stories. 

A visionary by nature, I love coming up with new and innovative ideas for people to collaborate. Empowering women leaders is my passion. It is all about nurturing other women and helping them to achieve their full potential.


Be Satisfied With Yourself


Be Free From Approval Addiction