Reach potential when you find your purpose

When you are not achieving your purpose, you become unhappy with your life. You go about your daily routine in life until you reach a plateau where you feel like there is no meaning in what you are doing. That is when you are hit by feelings of despair and hopelessness. These feelings are heightened especially during unprecedented times. You are not able to travel or go about activities that will keep you distracted. I began to feel that way even more in the last few months because it felt like I was not living up to my full potential. Every one of us is placed on this earth for a reason. We are called to do something. There are talents and skills placed inside of us that we might not even be aware of. We need to tap into that if we want to achieve our full potential.

Our purpose is the fuel that drives us to reach our maximum potential, where we find a sense of achievement. It keeps us moving forward, undeterred. I felt a lack of achievement as I was still unclear about my purpose in life. I was well aware of my talents and skills as people always affirm me of what I am good at. But that did not give me clarity as to where I was headed. People get disoriented when they have no vision. I believe that is true for many of us who are aimless because we do not know where we are headed towards. We feel frustrated and lost. Recently, I attended Darren Chua session on purpose two days ago. It gave me more clarity and changed my perspective on how I viewed purpose. In his session, Darren shared that our purpose is made up of our talents, passion, skills, and values.

That was an eye-opener for me, as I have always seen purpose as something that I was supposed to do and not something that I already have. When you have grasped that knowledge, it changes everything. You understand that every good and negative experience that you picked up helps to shape your purpose. These experiences help to fine-tune our existing abilities or add new ones. When you do not have a vision of your purpose, you are always asking yourself what you can do or how you can do it. You bypass the process and are more concerned with the results. You feel discouraged when you do not achieve your desired outcome. Finding your purpose is not about what you can get out of it, but more on why you do it. When you start asking yourself the question of why it opens a whole new outlook. This will help you to take on the projects only if you feel that they are aligned to your purpose. You don't take up something to keep yourself occupied or to prove yourselves.

When you have an understanding of what you are meant to do, you don't get affected by how other people are achieving your potential. You are happy to run your own race at your own pace. From the session, I took away 3 main Ps for practical application; which are preparation, process, and pitfalls. Now that I have identified my purpose, I can work on the preparation of what needs to be done in advance. Because of the firm foundation, I get to enjoy the process and not be anxious about it. I am also well prepared to handle the pitfalls that come along my way.

"Success is..knowing your purpose in life, growing to reach your maximum potential, and sowing seeds that benefit others." - John C Maxwell

Grace Ascent Collective

I am a new author, speaker and, host of "The Living Room" on Youtube. My two books, A Divine Connection and A Scandal of Grace, are based on Bible stories. 

A visionary by nature, I love coming up with new and innovative ideas for people to collaborate. Empowering women leaders is my passion. It is all about nurturing other women and helping them to achieve their full potential.


A Divine Connection


Get rid of the victim mentality