Identify with the right crowd

I have always been passionate and love to dream big. Whenever I shared my dreams with the people around me, I don't sense the same excitement in them. As I was not any wiser then, I felt that I needed to hold back myself in. Subconsciously, I was trying to change myself to adapt to the environment I was in. There were doubts in my mind that maybe my dreams will never become a reality. But in the last few months, I realized who I was hanging around with has an impact on my future.

Who do you surround yourself with? Are they people who share similar visions and dreams like you? Some of us are like eagles, we are meant to soar to high places. We are achievers. But we cannot recognize that quality in ourselves when we have been surrounded by people with the chicken mentality for a long time. If you can come up with a mental image, you can see how out of place an eagle will look surrounded by chickens. Your friends or peers might think you are one of them, but you know deep inside you are not.

You want to try new things to create an impact. You are not afraid of change. You don't wait for things to happen but you make it happen. During these times, you might be looked upon as being the odd one out because you are full of all these ideas. I assure you there is nothing wrong with you, you are just sitting at the wrong table. People with the chicken mentality are always meant to be on the ground level. They pick off food from off the ground. Eagles eat chickens. You do the math. You are not speaking the same lingo. People will be envious of your dreams and confidence but sometimes they are not meant to reach those levels.

Chickens have short wings that do not allow them to lift themselves off the ground. They might be envious of the eagle flying high but they know they are not wired that way. In a similar way, when you have people in your life who think differently than you do, they either tend to move away from you or gossip about you. The majority of people in your life, your friends, relatives, or colleagues are people with the chicken mentality. They live in a world full of limitations and are not capable of thinking outside the box. Their fears keep them bound to their comfort zone. Because they do not dare to come out of their "coop," they try to keep the rest of the people caged up with them. They have no passion or vision and their individuality gets lost in the crowd. They adopt the cramped up thinking of the people they hang out with.

Even if you are someone with an eagle mentality, you get drawn into this vicious cycle too, if you keep yourself being surrounded by them. Over time, you begin to act and talk like them, when you know deep inside you know you are not one of them. It becomes the norm because everyone is supposed to behave in a similar fashion. We get the pressure to act and think alike. Instead of taking a stand, we learn to accept and just act as we are told. But, if you have an eagle mentality, you know you are meant to go to high places. You are meant to fly high without any restrictions. The eagle has the capacity to use the storm's wind and lift itself to fly higher in the storm. When you come out of a challenging time and it never breaks you, you come out higher and stronger. That is the eagle mentality. You live and think on another level.

To keep your passion burning, you need to be surrounded by likeminded people with big dreams who are not jealous or intimidated by you. At times, we might make a mistake of trying to help the people around us. We try to inspire and encourage them to catch the vision and soar high above their problems. But people with the chicken mentality do not have our foresight. By allowing yourself to remain with them, you get exhausted and your passion gets faint. Do yourself a favor and step away from the people that are dragging you down. Now your vision becomes clearer and you have better clarity on where you are headed towards. You are focused because you have removed all distractions. The sky is the limit and you are on your way of making new conquests.

Grace Ascent Collective

I am a new author, speaker and, host of "The Living Room" on Youtube. My two books, A Divine Connection and A Scandal of Grace, are based on Bible stories. 

A visionary by nature, I love coming up with new and innovative ideas for people to collaborate. Empowering women leaders is my passion. It is all about nurturing other women and helping them to achieve their full potential.


Get rid of the victim mentality


Being Free of Trauma