Defying Racial Bias in The Workplace

Three weeks ago, I created a YouTube Channel called the Living Room. The heart behind this initiative was to feature real women and their stories. Women's empowerment has always been a subject of interest to me as I believe that every woman is capable of achieving much more in their life. Although we have many strong women leaders in the marketplace, there are still many women out there with untapped potential. Unfortunately, many of them have their wings clipped due to abuse, trauma, depression, and other mental disorders.

Women can be sensitive and by nature, we are driven by our emotions. It is not surprising that many of us affected easily by negative emotions and labels. These causes us to have limitations in both our personal and professional growth. We, therefore, lack the confidence in being able to achieve more in life. This is not new to me, as I have been on this path before. I was only able to find my way back through emotional healing and with community support. 

Therefore, I feel it is important for women to rise up and help one another with our stories and journeys. Our stories become a personal testimony to offer hope to those who being faced with similar journeys. When I first started doing my recordings, I wanted to do it in my late grandfather's room. He passed away in October last year and has always been supportive of whatever I do. He affirms me for being bold, and not being afraid to speak my mind. Though he is not in this world, doing my recordings in his room where he spent his last days gives me comfort.

For the upcoming episode that is coming up tomorrow, I had the privilege of having Tasneem Chopra, a cross-cultural consultant and activist on my You Tube channel. It was interesting to hear from Tasneem her views on discrimination in the workplace focusing more on women of colour. Although this has been an ongoing problem across many regions, many people lack the courage to speak up against it. I believe this video will liberate women, in general, to be bold and stand up for themselves. 

You can check out the episode using this link UC8AWtbgLR8BAGIqHPZVob3A

Photo by Adetunji Paul on Unsplash

Grace Ascent Collective

I am a new author, speaker and, host of "The Living Room" on Youtube. My two books, A Divine Connection and A Scandal of Grace, are based on Bible stories. 

A visionary by nature, I love coming up with new and innovative ideas for people to collaborate. Empowering women leaders is my passion. It is all about nurturing other women and helping them to achieve their full potential.


Strength In Sisterhood


Dangerous Love