Bold And Beautiful

I was invited by a dear friend Sarah-Mae Thomas, to be featured on her Legal Eagle podcast for her divorce series. It was an opportunity for me to share my story. Through our talk, we delved further into other topics including how our culture views our divorcees.

There are many more women who are crippled by the disparaging remarks that are thrown at them by family and community. Although we live in a modern era, some stigmas are not easily removed. People hid behind their shame which scars them even more. After the podcast, I realized the importance of empowering women more in the aftermath of divorce.

Finding Your Influence, my debut book came about from that inspiration. Where I was able to write in-depth about what happened in my relationship, how I came out it stronger and what has transpired during that period of my divorce till now.

Do share the podcast link with friends to encourage them.

Grace Ascent Collective

I am a new author, speaker and, host of "The Living Room" on Youtube. My two books, A Divine Connection and A Scandal of Grace, are based on Bible stories. 

A visionary by nature, I love coming up with new and innovative ideas for people to collaborate. Empowering women leaders is my passion. It is all about nurturing other women and helping them to achieve their full potential.


Saying No To Bullying